Pypyodbc: [microsoft][odbc Sql Server Driver][dbnetlib]connectionwrite (send())
Solution 1:
Hope you are doing well. Have you had a chance to look at pyodbc and pymssql? They have a better community presence and are actively maintained. If the script fails with these drivers as well, there might be an issue with your script. I can try to help you troubleshoot if you share it.
Let me know if the issue gets fixed with the other drivers and if it does not I can help you out.
Thanks, Meet Bhagdev Program Manager, Microsoft
Solution 2:
I tried to reproduce the issue, but failed. And I observed that the package last updated in 2013. It's an old and no longer maintenance package for Python ODBC. So I don't recommend to continue to use it to access the latest Azure SQL Database.
I strongly recommended you to use the package pymssql
. It's the Azure offical recommend odbc driver for Python, please refer to
It can very good support any OS environment contains Windows, Linux, MacOS. You can refer to these docs, and to getting started.
If you want to dive into the package usgae, please refer to the offical document
Best Regards.
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