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Python: Efficient Method To Replace Accents (é To E), Remove [^a-za-z\d\s], And Lower()

Using Python 3.3. I want to do the following: replace special alphabetical characters such as e acute (é) and o circumflex (ô) with the base character (ô to o, for example) rem

Solution 1:

>>>import unicodedata>>>s='éô'>>>''.join((c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'))

Also check out unidecode

What Unidecode provides is a middle road: function unidecode() takes Unicode data and tries to represent it in ASCII characters (i.e., the universally displayable characters between 0x00 and 0x7F), where the compromises taken when mapping between two character sets are chosen to be near what a human with a US keyboard would choose.

The quality of resulting ASCII representation varies. For languages of western origin it should be between perfect and good. On the other hand transliteration (i.e., conveying, in Roman letters, the pronunciation expressed by the text in some other writing system) of languages like Chinese, Japanese or Korean is a very complex issue and this library does not even attempt to address it. It draws the line at context-free character-by-character mapping. So a good rule of thumb is that the further the script you are transliterating is from Latin alphabet, the worse the transliteration will be.

Note that this module generally produces better results than simply stripping accents from characters (which can be done in Python with built-in functions). It is based on hand-tuned character mappings that for example also contain ASCII approximations for symbols and non-Latin alphabets.

Solution 2:

You could use str.translate:

import collections
import string

table = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
    ord(' '):' ',
    ord('\N{NO-BREAK SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{EN SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{EM SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{THREE-PER-EM SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{FOUR-PER-EM SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{SIX-PER-EM SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{FIGURE SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{PUNCTUATION SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{THIN SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{HAIR SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{ZERO WIDTH SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE}'): ' ',
    ord('\N{TAG SPACE}'): ' ',
table.update(dict(zip(map(ord,string.ascii_uppercase), string.ascii_lowercase)))
table.update(dict(zip(map(ord,string.ascii_lowercase), string.ascii_lowercase)))
table.update(dict(zip(map(ord,string.digits), string.digits)))

print('123 fôé BAR҉'.translate(table,))


123 foe bar

On the down-side, you'll have to list all the special accented characters that you wish to translate. @gnibbler's method requires less coding.

On the up-side, the str.translate method should be fairly fast and it can handle all your requirements (downcasing, deleting and removing accents) in one function call once the table is set up.

By the way, a file with 200K characters is not very large. So it would be more efficient to read the entire file into a single str, then translate it in one function call.

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