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Argparse - How Pass To A Method With Kwargs Or Argv

I've been looking for a way to use **kwargs or *argv with argparse. I will from hard code to a dynamic way. Here is my hard code and a example how I will use it. def get_parser():

Solution 1:

Here, parameters argument will have a list of 8 pairs, for example: -p argname1=v1 ... argname8=v8

(obviously argnameN should be the argument names of the desired function).

You can then easily turn args.p (which is ['argname1=v1', ... 'argname8=v8']) into a dictionary:

        returnfloat(v) if'.'in v elseint(v)
    except ValueError:
        # v is not a numberreturn v

params = dict([convert_value(n) for n in pair.split('=')] for pair in args.p)

and pass it to your function:

"""Create a Template for a Job"""defcreate_Template(params):
    #single GA job
    template = job.JobTemplate(runGASimple)
    print tmpverb
    return template

You can do the same with your range argument by creating two distinct range argument:

"""change Default params with AddRange"""defadd_Range(var_1, var_2, tmp_template):
    jobCreator = job.JobCreator()
    #jobCreator.addRange('temp0', start=0.0, end=1.0, stepSize=0.1)
    #jobCreator.addRange('temp1', start=0.0, end=1.0, stepSize=0.1)
    # all other params will take defaults
    jobs = jobCreator.generateJobs(tmp_template)

Solution 2:

PLease pay attention at the Gall's answer - it might simplify your code dramatically. And regarding dynamic "argparse" please try this:

#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse

args_d = {
  '-r': {
    'flags': ['-r', '--range'],
    'nargs': 8,
    'help': 'AddRange Parameters',
    'dest': 'r'
  '-p': {
    'flags': ['-p', '--parameters'],
    'nargs': 8,
    'help': 'SetDefaults as Parameters',
    'dest': 'p'

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    for k,v in args_d.items():
        if'flags'in v:
            flags = v['flags']
            del v['flags']
        parser.add_argument(*flags, **v)

    return parser

if __name__ == "__main__":

    args = setup_parser(args_d).parse_args()


You would still have to generate the dictionary dynamically. You can try to use the "inspect" module for that...

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