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Expanding Regex In Python

My program takes in a regex for describing a set of devices. For example, --device=dev{01,02}{nyc} should expand to and How can I

Solution 1:

If we re.split on the braces, we get:

In [7]: re.split(r'\{(.*?)\}',userstring)
Out[7]: ['--device=dev', '01,02', '', 'nyc', '']

Every other item in the list came from inside braces, which we next need to split on commas:

In [8]: [ part.split(',') if i%2else [part]  for i,part inenumerate(re.split(r'\{(.*?)\}',userstring)) ]
Out[8]: [['--device=dev'], ['01', '02'], [''], ['nyc'], ['']]

Now we can use itertools.product to enumerate the possibilities:

import re
import itertools

userstring = '--device=dev{01,02}{nyc}'for x in itertools.product(*[ part.split(',') if i%2else [part]  for i,part inenumerate(re.split(r'\{(.*?)\}',userstring)) ]):


Solution 2:

Simply by extract the first braces to a group and iterate over this group :

import re

user_arg = "dev{01,02}{nyc}"

regex = re.compile('dev{(?P<dev_id>[^}]*)}{(nyc)}')
result =

devices = []
for dev_id in',') :
    devices.append("" % (dev_id,

print devices

That returns :

$ ['', '']

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