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Python Regular Expression For Domain Names

I am trying use the following regular expression to extract domain name from a text, but it just produce nothing, what's wrong with it? I don't know if this is suitable to ask this

Solution 1:

Don't use regex for this. Use the urlparse standard library instead. It's far more straightforward and easier to read/maintain.

Solution 2:

The first is that you're missing the re.VERBOSE flag in the call to re.compile(). The second is that you should use the methods on the returned object. The third is that you're using a regular expression where an appropriate parser already exists in the stdlib.

Solution 3:

This is the only correct way to parse an url with a regex:

It's in C++ but you'll find trivial to convert to python by removing additional \. And with an enum for the captures.

Also see RFC3986 as original source for the regexp.

staticconstchar* const url_regex[] = {
    /* RE_URL */"^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*)|///)?([^?#]*)(\\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?",

enum {
    URL = 0,
    SCHEME_CLN = 1,
    SCHEME  = 2,
    DSLASH_AUTH = 3,
    AUTHORITY = 4,
    PATH    = 5,
    QUERY   = 6,
    FRAGMENT = 7

Solution 4:

I don't believe that this is actually about "regression", is it? It's about regular expressions, which is a totally different thing. Perhaps someone should fix the tagging.

Solution 5:


This Regex uses all current valid TLDs found it will take a list of text and only return the domain.tld

Eg. Feed it

Will return


This isn't ideal, as the regex is quite long but it worked for what I needed at the time, hope it was helpful.

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