How Can I Get Python Generated Excel Document To Correctly Calculate Array Formulas
I am generating some excel files with python using python 3.6 and openpyxl. At one point I have to calculate standard deviations of a subsection of data. In excel this is done with
Solution 1:
open-pyxl has a bug with the STDEV.P function. add the full name as such:
ws.cell(column=4+i, row=2, value='=_xlfn.STDEV.P(IF(B1:B100={},A1:A100,0))'.format(i+1))
And it will be working correctly.
You can also see it Here.
You can see in the documentation that not all formulae were included:
If you’re trying to use a formula that isn’t known this could be because you’re using a formula that was not included in the initial specification. Such formulae must be prefixed with xlfn. to work.
To check if a formula is included you can use:
from openpyxl.utils import FORMULAE
if false, _xlfn.
should be put before the formula name for it to work.
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