How To Call The Classifierbasedtagger() In Nltk
I have followed in the documentation from nltk book (chapter 6 and 7) and other ideas to train my own model for named entity recognition. After building a feature function and Cla
Solution 1:
I finally realised what I was missing: when defining BasedTagger you have to pass an argument for "tagged_sents", like this:
#self.tagger = ClassifierBasedTagger(train=train_sents, feature_detector=features, **kwargs)
now when I call the chunker NamedEntityChunker() everything is working.
Solution 2:
Are you sure your code is exactly as you report it? This should not produce the problem you report; but you will get this behavior if you pass a keyword argument that is also a key in the kwargs
>>>deftest(a, b): # In fact the signature of `test` is irrelevant
>>>args = { 'a'=1, 'b'=2 }>>>test(a=0, **args)
TypeError: test() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a'
So, figure out where the problem arises and fix it. Have your methods print out their arguments to help you debug the problem.
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