How To Fit Tkinter Listbox To Contents
I'm adding strings to a listbox using the code below. When I run the code and the window opens, the longer strings get clipped as the window is not large enough (see screenshot). I
Solution 1:
Resetting the listbox width worked for me. I used the Oblivion's answer and noticed that the width is always zero.
listbox = tk.Listbox(master, selectmode=tk.SINGLE)
I also recommend to reset the root window geometry after reloading a content of the list. Otherwise if user manually extends a window the window would stop accommodate size of its content.
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
shows one way to do it.
So you might have something along the lines of,
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import font
class NewListbox(tk.Listbox):
def autowidth(self, maxwidth=100)
autowidth(self, maxwidth)
def autowidth(list, maxwidth=100):
f = font.Font(font=list.cget("font"))
pixels = 0
for item in list.get(0, "end"):
pixels = max(pixels, f.measure(item))
# bump listbox size until all entries fit
pixels = pixels + 10
width = int(list.cget("width"))
for w in range(0, maxwidth+1, 5):
if list.winfo_reqwidth() >= pixels:
if __name__ == "__main__":
master = tk.Tk()
listbox = NewListbox(master, selectmode=tk.SINGLE)
# ...
# ...
keys = serverDict.keys()
for key in sorted(keys):
listbox.insert("end", key)
button = tk.Button(master, text="Execute", command=execute)
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