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How To Import A Networkx Graph To Neo4j?

I have a graph created with networkX and I am using neonx to import it to neo4j on localhost. I have a networkX type graph called G. Below is the code: data1 = json_graph.node_link

Solution 1:

I believe the issue is that your neo4j instance requires authentication, but neonx doesn't appear to support it.

to disable authentication set: (see:

to verify this is the issue point your browser to: http://localhost:7474/db/data/ and see if you are prompted for a user and password

Solution 2:

Best way is to dump networkx graph and import it into Neo4j.


  • You don't need to have a working connection with Neo4j server
  • Dump once and load it anywhere anytime. You have saved version/backup.

Dump networkx graph:

nx.write_graphml(g, 'path/to/file.graphml')

Load into Neo4j:

  • Install apoc plugin for Neo4j from here
  • Enable apoc.import.file.enabled=true in conf/neo4j.conf
  • Place your graph dump file.graphml in import/ folder
cypher-shell -a bolt://localhost:7687 "call apoc.import.graphml('file.graphml', {})"

Or in browser:

call apoc.import.graphml('file.graphml', {})

For more details:

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