Installing Scrapy On Ubuntu 14.04 Fails
I'm getting error installing Scrapy on my ubuntu box. I'm using pip to install Scrapy. I'm aware that it needs setuptools to be installed. I got that installed using the script pro
Solution 1:
From the error fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
it looks like python development headers are not installed. Try this command and then try to install again.
sudo apt-get install python-dev
For installing libevent
library apply this command,
sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
Solution 2:
I figured this out on ubuntu 14.04 by (A) actually following the scrapy docs for installing on ubuntu, then (B) an error that a lot of others were getting, by following a S/O solution Error while starting new scrapy project
sudo pip install pyasn1 --upgrade
Solution 3:
Right after installing Fedora 23 that's what I did (may works on Ubuntu):
[root@x ~]# pip install scrapy
[root@x ~]# dnf install python-cffi
[root@x ~]# dnf install openssl-devel
[root@x ~]# dnf install gcc
[root@x ~]# dnf install redhat-rpm-config
[root@x ~]# dnf install libxml
[root@x ~]# dnf install libxml2-devel
[root@x ~]# dnf install libxml-devel
[root@x ~]# dnf install glib2-devel gnet2-devel
[root@x ~]# dnf install libxslt-devel
Solution 4:
sudo apt install python3-scrapy
I have tried this ..and it worked for me. (You should have the ssh installed)
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