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Iterate Over Nested Lists, Tuples And Dictionaries

I've another question to the thematic of Iterate over nested lists and dictionaries. I need some extended functionality to the topic of the link above. The iterable element now als

Solution 1:

In this case, it would be easier to handle tuples directly in the objwalk structure traverser. Here is a modified version that converts tuples to lists before traversing over them to find nested elements:

defobjwalk(obj, path=(), memo=None):
    if memo isNone:
        memo = set()
    iterator = Noneifisinstance(obj, dict):
        iterator = iteritems
    elifisinstance(obj, (list, set)) andnotisinstance(obj, string_types):
        iterator = enumerateif iterator:
        ifid(obj) notin memo:
            for path_component, value in iterator(obj):
                ifisinstance(value, tuple):
                    obj[path_component] = value = list(value)
                for result in objwalk(value, path + (path_component,), memo):
                    yield result
        yield path, obj

Using a slightly modified example from your previous question, and the same hex solution I gave you in that question:

>>> element = {'Request': (16, 2), 'Params': ('Typetext', [16, 2], 2), 'Service': 'Servicetext', 'Responses': ({'State': 'Positive', 'PDU': [80, 2, 0]}, {})}
>>> for path, value in objwalk(element):
... ifisinstance(value, int):
...         parent = element
... for step in path[:-1]:
...             parent = parent[step]
...         parent[path[-1]] = hex(value)
... >>> element
{'Params': ['Typetext', ['0x10', '0x2'], '0x2'], 'Request': ['0x10', '0x2'], 'Responses': [{'State': 'Positive', 'PDU': ['0x50', '0x2', '0x0']}, {}], 'Service': 'Servicetext'}

Solution 2:

If the overhead of creating new objects is not an issue, I think it's pretty clear to go with:

    _type = type(obj)
    if _type == tuple: _type = list
    rslt = _type()
    ifisinstance(obj, dict):
        for k, v in obj.iteritems():
            rslt[k] = transform(v)
    elifisinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
        for x in obj:
    elifisinstance(obj, set):
        for x in obj:
    elifisinstance(obj, (int, long)):
        rslt = hex(obj)
        rslt = obj

    return rslt

element = transform(element)

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