Keras Multiple Input, Output, Loss Model
Solution 1:
In the following code will the mse loss be applied to img_hr and fake_features?
From the documentation,
"If the model has multiple outputs, you can use a different loss on each output by passing a dictionary or a list of losses."
In this case, the mse loss will be applied to fake_features and the corresponding y_true passed as part of
Solution 2:
In neural networks Loss is applied to the Outputs of a network in order to have a way of measurement of "How wrong is this output?" so you can take this value and minimize it via Gradient decent and backprop. Following this Intuition the Losses in keras are a List with the same length as the Outputs of your model. They are appied to the Output with the same index.
self.combined = Model([img_lr, img_hr], [validity, fake_features])
This gives you a model with 2 Inputs (img_lr, img_hr) and 2 outputs (validity, fake_features). So combined.compile(loss=['binary_crossentropy', 'mse']...
uses binary_crossentropy loss for validity and Mean Squared Error for fake_features.
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