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Python Xml Parse And Getelementsbytagname

I was trying to parse the following xml and fetch specific tags that i'm interested in around my business need. and i guess i'm doing something wrong. Not sure how to parse my requ

Solution 1:

Another method.

from simplified_scrapy import SimplifiedDoc, utils, req
# html = req.get('')
html = '''
<couponfeed><TotalMatches>1459</TotalMatches><TotalPages>3</TotalPages><PageNumberRequested>1</PageNumberRequested><linktype="TEXT"><categories><categoryid="1">Apparel</category></categories><promotiontypes><promotiontypeid="11">Percentage off</promotiontype></promotiontypes><offerdescription>25% Off Boys Quiksilver Apparel. Shop now at! Valid 7/23 through 7/25!</offerdescription><offerstartdate>2020-07-24</offerstartdate><offerenddate>2020-07-26</offerenddate><clickurl></clickurl><impressionpixel></impressionpixel><advertiserid>3184</advertiserid><advertisername></advertisername><networkid="1">US Network</network></link></couponfeed>
doc = SimplifiedDoc(html)
df_cols = [
    "promotiontype", "category", "offerdescription", "offerstartdate",
    "offerenddate", "clickurl", "impressionpixel", "advertisername", "network"
rows = [df_cols]

links = doc.couponfeed.links  # Get all links
for link in links:
    row = []
    for col in df_cols:
        row.append(  # Get col text

utils.save2csv('merchants_offers_share.csv', rows)  # Save to csv file


Percentage off,Apparel,25% Off Boys Quiksilver Apparel. Shop now at! Valid 7/23 through 7/25!,2020-07-24,2020-07-26,,,,US Network

Here are more examples:

Remove the last empty row

import io
with'merchants_offers_share.csv', "rb+") as f:,2)
    l =
    if l == b"\n":,2)

Solution 2:

First, the xml document wasn't parsing because you copied a raw ampersand & from the source page, which is like a keyword in xml. When your browser renders xml (or html), it converts &amp; into &.

As for the code, the easiest way to get the data is to iterate over df_cols, then execute getElementsByTagName for each column, which will return a list of elements for the given column.

from xml.dom import minidom
import pandas as pd
import urllib

limit = 500
url = f"{limit}"

xmldoc = minidom.parse(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

df_cols = ["promotiontype","category","offerdescription", "offerstartdate", "offerenddate", "clickurl","impressionpixel","advertisername","network"]

# create an object for each row
rows = [{} for i in range(limit)]

nodes = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("promotiontype")
node = nodes[0]

for row_name in df_cols:

    # get results for each row_name
    nodes = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(row_name)
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
        rows[i][row_name] = node.firstChild.nodeValue

out_df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=df_cols)

nodes = et.getElementsByTagName("promotiontype")
node = nodes[0]

for row_name in df_cols:
    nodes = et.getElementsByTagName(row_name)
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
        rows[i][row_name] = node.firstChild.nodeValue

out_df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=df_cols)

This isn't the most efficient way to do this, but I'm not sure how else to using minidom. If efficiency is a concern, I'd recommend using lxml instead.

Solution 3:

Assuming no issue with parsing your XML from URL (since link is not available on our end), your first lxml can work if you parse on actual nodes. Specifically, there is no <item> node in XML document.

Instead use link. And consider a nested list/dict comprehension to migrate content to a data frame. For lxml you can swap out findall and xpath to return same result.

df = pd.DataFrame([{item.tag: item.text if item.text.strip() != ""else item.find("*").text
                       for item in lnk.findall("*") if item is not None} 
                       for lnk in root.findall('.//link')])
#   categories  promotiontypes                                   offerdescription  ... advertiserid advertisername     network# 0    Apparel  Percentage off  25% Off Boys Quiksilver Apparel. Shop now at M...  ...         3184  US Network# 1    Apparel  Percentage off  25% Off Boys' Quiksilver Apparel. Shop now at ...  ...         3184  US Network

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