Sharepoint/soap - Getlistitems Ignoring Query
Trying to talk from Python to Sharepoint through SOAP. One of the lists I am trying to query contains 'ID' as primary key field. (Field){ _RowOrdinal = '0' _FromBaseType = 'T
Solution 1:
The actual turned out to be that it is necessary to use
here (for whatever reason).
Solution 2:
Try Type="Number" instead of Counter. I've just been through a bunch of code I wrote a while back to get list items based on the ID and I have used Number, and it works.
You may also need to include the empty elements for views and stuff too. Below is a fragment of my generated request:
<GetListItemsxmlns=""><listName>Workgroups</listName><viewName /><query><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRefName="ID"/><ValueType="Number">101</Value></Eq></Where></Query></query><viewFields><ViewFields><FieldRefName="Title"/><FieldRefName="Leader" /><FieldRefName="Members" /><FieldRefName="hiddenmembers" /></ViewFields></viewFields><rowLimit /><queryOptions><QueryOptions /></queryOptions></GetListItems>
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