Unable To Use Conda With Anaconda 2018.2 On Windows
Solution 1:
What worked for me was to copy these files from Anaconda3/Library/bin to Anaconda3/DLLs :
Solution 2:
Using Anaconda Prompt as Administrator worked for me. I have not tried the second solution (OpenSSL)
Solution 3:
I will answer my own question. I discovered 2 solutions.
First solution is to use Anaconda Prompt
Second solution is to install OpenSSL for Windows. The binaries can be downloaded here;
This binary worked for me. https://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL-1_1_1a.exe I am running 64-bit Windows 10.
Above solutions have been tested to work on my PC.
Solution 4:
I had a similar problem running conda on my work laptop behind a firewall. Create a .condarc config file in your home directory, typically 'c:\users\[your user id]', if one doesn't already exist. Add an entry to turn off SSL verification. Looks like this:
Save the file and retry the conda command.
If this doesn't work and your computer is behind a firewall. Make sure the proxy server entries are also defined in the .condarc config file. Example:
Solution 5:
Adding <anaconda_or_miniconda_installation_directory>\Library\bin
to the PATH
environment variable is sufficient to solve this problem.
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