Count Number Of Rows Between Two Dates By Id In A Pandas Groupby Dataframe
Solution 1:
My usual approach for these problems is to pivot and think in terms of events changing an accumulator. Every new "stdt" we see adds +1 to the count; every "enddt" we see adds -1. (Adds -1 the next day, at least if I'm interpreting "between" the way you are. Some days I think we should ban the use of the word as too ambiguous..)
IOW, if we turn your frame to something like
then what we want is simply the cumulative sum of change
(after suitable regrouping.) For example, something like
df["enddt"] += timedelta(days=1)
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=["cid", "jid"], var_name="change", value_name="date")
df["change"] = df["change"].replace({"stdt": 1, "enddt": -1})
df = df.sort(["cid", "date"])
df = df.groupby(["cid", "date"],as_index=False)["change"].sum()
df["count"] = df.groupby("cid")["change"].cumsum()
new_time = pd.date_range(,
df_parts = []
for cid, group in df.groupby("cid"):
full_count = group[["date", "count"]].set_index("date")
full_count = full_count.reindex(new_time)
full_count = full_count.ffill().fillna(0)
full_count["cid"] = cid
df_new = pd.concat(df_parts)
which gives me something like
>>>df_new.head(15)countcid2015-01-03 012015-01-04 012015-01-05 012015-01-06 112015-01-07 212015-01-08 212015-01-09 212015-01-10 212015-01-11 212015-01-12 212015-01-13 212015-01-14 212015-01-15 212015-01-16 112015-01-17 01
There may be off-by-one differences with regards to your expectations; you may have different ideas about how you should handle multiple overlapping jid
s in the same time window (here they would count as 2); but the basic idea of working with the events should prove useful even if you have to tweak the details.
Solution 2:
Here is a solution I came up with (this will loop through the permutations of unique cid's and date range getting your counts):
fromitertoolsimportproductdf_new_date=pd.DataFrame(list(product(df.cid.unique(),pd.date_range(df.stdt.min(),df.enddt.max()))),columns=['cid','newdate'])df_new_date['cnt']=df_new_date.apply(lambdarow:df[(df['cid']==row['cid'])&(df['stdt']<=row['newdate'])&(df['enddt']>=row['newdate'])]['jid'].count(),axis=1)>>>df_new_date.head(20)cidnewdatecnt012015-07-01 0112015-07-02 0212015-07-03 0312015-07-04 0412015-07-05 0512015-07-06 1612015-07-07 1712015-07-08 1812015-07-09 1912015-07-10 11012015-07-11 21112015-07-12 31212015-07-13 31312015-07-14 21412015-07-15 31512015-07-16 31612015-07-17 31712015-07-18 31812015-07-19 21912015-07-20 1
You could then drop the zeros if you don't want them. I don't think this will be much better than your original solution, however.
I would like to suggest you use the following improvement on the loop provided by the @DSM solution:
df_parts=[]forcidindf.cid.unique():full_count=df[(df.cid==cid)][['cid','date','count']].set_index("date").asfreq("D",method='ffill')[['cid','count']].reset_index()df_parts.append(full_count[full_count['count']!=0])df_new=pd.concat(df_parts)>>>df_newdatecidcount02015-07-06 1112015-07-07 1122015-07-08 1132015-07-09 1142015-07-10 1152015-07-11 1262015-07-12 1372015-07-13 1382015-07-14 1292015-07-15 13102015-07-16 13112015-07-17 13122015-07-18 13132015-07-19 12142015-07-20 11152015-07-21 11162015-07-22 1102015-07-01 2112015-07-02 2122015-07-03 2132015-07-04 2142015-07-05 2152015-07-06 2162015-07-07 2272015-07-08 2282015-07-09 2292015-07-10 23102015-07-11 23112015-07-12 24122015-07-13 24132015-07-14 25142015-07-15 24152015-07-16 24162015-07-17 23172015-07-18 22182015-07-19 22192015-07-20 21202015-07-21 21
Only real improvement over what @DSM provided is that this will avoid requiring the creation of a groubby object for the loop and this will also get you all the min stdt and max enddt per cid number with no zero values.
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