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Executed Failed Threads Again

So I have have script that uses about 50k threads, but only runs 10 at a time. I use the threading library for this and BoundedSemaphore to limit the threads to 10 at a time. In so

Solution 1:

This solves both the too many active threads problem and the problem in your question:

    def get_items():
          threads = threading.enumerate()
          items = set()
          for thr in threads:
              if isinstance(thr, myThread): items.add(thr.item)
          return items
    def manageThreads(howmany):
         while bigset:
             items = get_items()
             items_to_add = bigset.difference(items)
             while len(items) < howmany:
                 item = items_to_add.pop()
                 processor = myThread(item)
             with thread_done:    
   thread_done = threading.Condition()
   bigset = set(["50,000 items", "..."])

The mythread class run method:

        with thread_done:

Threading.enumerate() returns a list of currently active thread objects. So, the manageThreads function initially creates 10 threads, then waits for one to finish, then checks the thread count again, and so on. If a thread runs out of memory or another error occurs during processing, it wont remove the item from the bigset, causing it to be requeued by the manager onto a different thread.

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