Generating All The Combinations Of Two Lists And Output Them One By One In Python
I have two lists [1, 3, 4] [7, 8] I want to generate all the combinations of two list starting from the smallest combinations like 17,18,37,38,47,48,137,138,147,148......178,378..
Solution 1:
This is a pretty ugly algorithm, but it worked for me. It's also not super expensive (expect, of course, for generating all the combinations with itertools.combinations(a, i)...):
import itertools
def all_combs(a):
to_return = []
temp = []
for i in a:
for i in range(2, len(a) + 1):
temp = []
for j in itertools.combinations(a, i):
s = ""
for k in j:
s = s + str(k)
temp.append(int(s)) #Get all values from the list permutation
return to_return
def all_perm(a, b):
a_combs = all_combs(a)
b_combs = all_combs(b)
to_return = []
for i in a_combs:
for j in b_combs:
for k in i:
for l in j:
to_return.append(10**len(str(l)) * k + l)
for i in to_return:
yield i
EDIT: Fixed a bug where multi-digit values weren't read in correctly EDIT: Made the function act as a generator EDIT: Fixed a bug involving digits (by adding a sort...)
EDIT: Here's a vastly superior implementation which meets the generator style much more closely. It's still not perfect, but it should provide good speedup in the average case:
import itertools
def add_to_dict(dict, length, num):
if not length in dict:
dict[length] = []
def sum_to_val(val):
to_return = []
for i in range(1, val):
to_return.append([i, val-i])
return to_return
def all_combs(a):
to_return = {}
for i in a:
add_to_dict(to_return, len(str(i)), i)
for i in range(2, len(a) + 1):
for j in itertools.combinations(a, i):
s = ""
for k in j:
s = s + str(k)
add_to_dict(to_return, len(s), int(s)) #Get all values from the list permutation
return to_return
def all_perm(a, b):
a_combs = all_combs(a)
b_combs = all_combs(b)
for val in range(max(a_combs.keys())+max(b_combs.keys())+1):
to_return = []
sums = sum_to_val(val)
for i in sums:
if not(i[0] in a_combs and i[1] in b_combs):
for j in a_combs[i[0]]:
for k in b_combs[i[1]]:
to_return.append(10**len(str(k)) * j + k)
for i in to_return:
yield i
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