How Can I Add Multiple Dictionaries To A Key Inside A Main Dictionary? Example Is Given Below
Solution 1:
I think you can optimize your dictionary to look like this:
{'category A':
{'Product Id A1' : 'Product Name A1',
'Product Id A2' : 'Product Name A2'},
'category B':
{'Product Id B1' : 'Product Name B1',
'Product Id B2' : 'Product Name B2',
'Product Id B3' : 'Product Name B3'}
This will allow for you to search for the category and product id quickly.
Example of this would be:
{'Fruit_Id_1': 'Apple',
'Fruit_Id_2': 'Banana',
'Fruit_Id_3': 'Grapes'},
{'Animal_Id_1': 'Bear',
'Animal_Id_2': 'Goose'}
To create , search, and delete the contents in a nested dictionary, you can use the below code:
cat_dict = {}
cname = input ('Enter Category Name : ')
if cname == '': continueif opt == '1'and cname in cat_dict:
print ('Category already exist. Please re-enter')
elif opt != '1'and cname notin cat_dict:
print ('Category does not exist. Please re-enter')
return cname
pid = input ('Enter Product Id : ')
if pid == '': continueelif opt == '1': return pid
elif opt == '2'and pid in cat_dict[cname]:
print ('Product Id already exist. Please re-enter')
elif opt != '2'and pid notin cat_dict[cname]:
print ('Product Id does not exist. Please re-enter')
return pid
while x:=input("Enter [0] to exit:\n") != '0':
options= input('''Enter
[1] Add Categories
[2] Add Products
[3] Search Categories
[4] Search Products
[5] Delete Category
[6] Delete Product
> ''')
if options notin ('1','2','3','4','5','6'):
print ('Incorrect Entry. Please re-enter\n')
break#Valid option has been selected#Get Category Name
cat_name = category(options)
#Get Product Idif options in ('1','2','4','6'):
prod_id = product(cat_name,options)
#Get Product Nameif options in ('1','2'):
prod_name = input ('Enter Product Name : ')
if prod_name != '': break#Ready to process options 1 thru 6#Option 1: Insert Category, Product Id, and Product Nameif options == '1':
cat_dict[cat_name] = {prod_id : prod_name}
#Option 2: Insert Product Id, and Product Name for given Cateogryelif options == '2':
cat_dict[cat_name].update({prod_id : prod_name})
#Option 3: print out all Product Id and Product Name for requested Categoryelif options == '3':
print ('All Products with',cat_name, 'are :', cat_dict[cat_name])
#Option 4: print out the Product Name for requested Category and Product Idelif options == '4':
print ('Product Name for ',prod_id, 'is :', cat_dict[cat_name][prod_id])
#Option 5: Delete the requested Category and all Product Ids and Product Nameselif options == '5':
confirm_delete = cat_dict.pop(cat_name, None)
if confirm_delete isnotNone:
print ('Category :',cat_name,'successfully deleted')
#Option 6: Delete the Product Id and Product Name within the given Categoryelse:
confirm_delete = cat_dict[cat_name].pop(prod_id, None)
if confirm_delete isnotNone:
print ('Product Id :', prod_id, 'in category:', cat_name,'successfully deleted')
I have tested this and it works properly. Let me know if you find any bugs or areas of improvement.
Solution 2:
Your code is a bit of a mess logically so I'm offering two approaches
in add_category
self.temp_category_data = {category_id:{}}
to be a list:
self.temp_category_data = {category_id:[]}
and in add_products
change the way you add stuff from to be append, because its a list
self.temp_category_data[category_id]['prod_id'] = prod_id
self.temp_category_data[category_id]['prod_name'] = prod_name
self.temp_category_data[category_id].append({'prod_id':prod_id, 'prod_name':prod_name})
this way you will have a list of dictionaries, but will have to look through it to find any specific one.
Another approach, which will work if "prod_id" are unique per category, is to only change add_products
like this:
self.temp_category_data[category_id][prod_id] = prod_name
this will give you a single dictionary which doesnt require you to search through
Solution 3:
Hope you find this helpful.
inventory = {}
inventory[category_id] = {}
inventory[category_id]['prod_id'] = prod_id
inventory[category_id]['prod_name'] = prod_name
x = input("Enter [0] to exit and [1] to continue:\n")
while x != '0':
if x=='0':
if x=='1':
y = input("\nEnter \n[1] Add Categories \n\t[1a] Add to existing category \n[2] Add Products\n[3] Search Categories \n[4] Search Products and \n[5] Delete Product\n")
if y == '1':
categoryId = input("\nEnter The Category ID: ")
# categoryName = input("\nEnter The Category Name: ")
inv = Inventory()
continueif y == '2':
categoryId = input("\nEnter The Category ID: ")
prodId = input("\nEnter The Product ID: ")
prodName = input("\nEnter The Product Name: ")
inv = Inventory()
print("Wrong input Details!!")
x = input("Enter [1] to continue and [0] to exit:\n")
Output:{'Food': {'prod_id': 'Meat', 'prod_name': 'Meat'}, 'Fruits': {'prod_id': 'Melon', 'prod_name': 'Melon'}}
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