Is There A File With Every Color On Python?
Solution 1:
You can see all the colors by looking at the dict pygame.color.THECOLORS. However that dict of all the names and color values is large (657 when I am writing this) and so it can be cumbersome to look through and find what you want.
I often find myself trying to find color names and find this snippet very handy:
import pygame
from pprint importpprintcolor_list= [(c, v) for c, v in pygame.color.THECOLORS.items() if'slategrey' in c]
which outputs:
[('darkslategrey', (47, 79, 79, 255)),
('slategrey', (112, 128, 144, 255))
('lightslategrey', (119, 136, 153, 255))]
I do that in an interactive session to get all the names that include 'slategrey' and then in my actual code I can use the one I want like this:
slategrey = pygame.Color("slategrey")
and then later in the code reference it like this:
screen.fill(slategrey, pygame.Rect(0, 0, 100, 100))
However, if you really want to see the list of all the colors in pygame.color.THECOLORS, you can look at them here in pygames colordict module where THECOLORS is defined.
Solution 2:
As Thomas Kläger already noted in a comment, there's a list of possible color strings in pygame.
Take a look here to see all those strings and their RGB value.
If you want, you can access this dict via pygame.color.THECOLORS
, but you usually don't need to. You can just pass a string with the color name to pygame's Color
class, like this:
screen.fill(pygame.Color('red'), pygame.Rect( 0, 0, 100, 100))
screen.fill(pygame.Color('plum'), pygame.Rect(100, 0, 100, 100))
screen.fill(pygame.Color('pink'), pygame.Rect(100, 0, 100, 100))
Of course there's no list of every possible color, since there are 256^3 = 16.777.216 possible colors in pygame (4.294.967.296 if you include different alpha values).
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