Skip A Specified Number Of Columns With Numpy.genfromtxt()
I have a large table (numbers in text format) that I would like to load with numpy.genfromtxt(). I would like to ignore the first n columns, say 5. I do not know the size of the ta
Solution 1:
For older versions of numpy, peeking at the first line to discover the number of columns is not that hard:
import numpy as np
withopen(fname, 'r') as f:
num_cols = len(f.readline().split())
data = np.genfromtxt(f, usecols = range(5,num_cols))
Solution 2:
In newer versions of Numpy, np.genfromtxt
can take an iterable argument, so you can wrap the file you're reading in a generator that generates lines, skipping the first N
columns. If your numbers are space-separated, that's something like
np.genfromtxt(" ".join(ln.split()[N:]) forlnin f)
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