Tensorflow Fifoqueue Not Fifo?
I am enqueuing items in a particular order onto a TensorFlow FIFOQueue and expecting to be able to dequeue them in the same order but this is not the behaviour I am observing. Runn
Solution 1:
It appears tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops.with_dependencies
isn't working as I thought, or I was using it incorrectly. If I switch to to using tf.control_dependencies
instead, I get the behaviour I need:
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
import math
import numpy
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.training import queue_runner
row_count, column_count = 7, 5
batch_size, step_size = 3, 2# Create some random data
data = numpy.arange(row_count * column_count).reshape(
(row_count, column_count))
batch_count = int(math.ceil(row_count / batch_size))
step_count = int(math.ceil(column_count / step_size))
print(batch_count, step_count)
slices = tf.train.slice_input_producer([data], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False)
batch = tf.train.batch(slices, batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True)
queue = tf.FIFOQueue(32, dtypes=[batch.dtype])
enqueue_ops = []
dependency = Nonefor step_index inrange(step_count):
step = tf.strided_slice(
batch, [0, step_index * step_size],
[tf.shape(batch)[0], (step_index + 1) * step_size])
if dependency isNone:
dependency = queue.enqueue(step)
with tf.control_dependencies([dependency]):
step = queue.enqueue(step)
dependency = step
queue=queue, enqueue_ops=[tf.group(*enqueue_ops)]))
step = queue.dequeue()
supervisor = tf.train.Supervisor()
with supervisor.managed_session() as session:
for batch_index inrange(batch_count):
for step_index inrange(step_count):
print("Batch %d, step %d" % (batch_index, step_index))
This answer was motivated by the answer to another SO question.
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