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Why Did One Value Change But The Second Value Did Not?

a = [ 1, 2 ] b = a a.append(3) print(b) # shows [ 1 2 3 ] which means b changed c = 4 d = c c = 8 print(d) # shows 4 which means d did not change Why did b change, but d did not?

Solution 1:

The two examples are not equivalent.

By doing b = a you are telling b to point to the same list that a points to. If you change the list through a it will be changed even if introspected through b. There is only ever one list in memory.

In the second example you are doing d = c which tells d to point to the same integer that c does, but then you are telling c to point to another integer. d does not know about it, and it is still pointing to the same integer that c used to point to.

The equivalent example using lists to your second example will be

a = [1, 2]
b = a
a = []
# []
# [1, 2]

Check these visualizations:

Your first example

Your second example

My example

Solution 2:

The answer provided by @DeepSpace is a good explanation.

If you want to check if two variables are pointing to the same memory location you can use is operator and to print them use id.

>>>a=[1,2]>>>b=a>>>a is b
(2865413182600, 2865413182600)
([1,2,2],[1,2,2],2865413182600, 2865413182600)
>>>a=[1,2]>>>b=[1,2]>>>a is b

Solution 3:

It's all about if the object you assign is mutable or immutable.

Simply put - mutable objects can be changed after they are created, immutable objects can't.

Considering you have a variable a that is assigned to an object, when you point a new variable to the a variable, there are two possibilities:

  1. If an object is mutable -> you will just point to the same object with your new variable
  2. If an object is immutable -> you will assign a new object to your new variable.

Your first case:

  • First you create a list a, which is a mutable object
  • Then you point with a second variable b to the same list object.
  • When you change value, you just change a mutable object, to which both variables are pointing.

In second case:

  • First you assign a variable c to an immutable int=4 object.
  • Then you assign it to the second variable d.
  • And what happens next, is that you assign a new immutable int=8 object to the variable c.

There is plenty of articles about what does it mean that an object is mutable, for example:

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