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Attempting To Replace Open() With A Pandas Subset, But I Am Given An __exit__ Error?

I am trying to work with pylabels to create nametags for an upcoming event. In one section of the code, there is this tid-bit: with open(os.path.join(base_path, 'names.txt')) as n

Solution 1:

Can anyone help me understand what __exit__ means in this context? I do not understand from other submissions. ... As text_file isn't a function, it should be exitable.

When you use with statement context managers, that object must define these two methods:

  • __enter__
  • __exit__

Whatever text_file[["Name"]] is (a Pandas DataFrame, it seems), it doesn't implement either of these methods. As indicated by the traceback, it doesn't define __enter__ at all, so execution stops right there and raises an exception.

I don't see a need to use a DataFrame as a context manager. A typical use-case is when you want to ensure that something happens at the end of the with block, namely, closing a file stream. (Like a try/finally block--you want to make sure __exit__ gets called unconditionally.) With a Pandas DataFrame, I'm not sure if there is any analogy that would necessitate have those two dunder methods.

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