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Cannot Show Image From Static_folder In Flask Template

I set folder for static files like this app.config['STATIC_FOLDER'] = 'tmp' In template i use img tag to show an image stored in /tmp:

Solution 1:

I'm not sure what is this STATIC_FOLDER configuration item you are using. Where did you find it?

There are actually two arguments to the Flask class constructor that govern the configuration of static files:

  • static_folder: defaults to "static". This is the prefix that you have to use in URLs to access the static files.

  • static_url_path: this is the disk location of the static folder. By default this value is the same as the static_folder setting.

For example, if you use this configuration:

from flask importFlaskapp= Flask(__name__, static_url_path = "/tmp", static_folder = "tmp")

Then you can access your images as follows:


You can also remove the need to have a prefix in the URLs as follows:

from flask importFlaskapp= Flask(__name__, static_url_path = "", static_folder = "tmp")

And then you can access your images as:


Note that you still need to have a root /.

But the best way to do this is to not reference image paths explicitly and instead use url_for to generate the correct URLs. If you are using Jinja2 templates that would be:

<imgsrc="{{ url_for('static', filename = 'IKE2low.jpg') }}"width="200"height="85">

This last expression would work regardless of where and how the static files are configured.

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