Converting Dictionary Values In Python From Str To Int In Nested Dictionary
Solution 1:
You have to go deeper in this case:
In [4]: {k: {kk: int(vv) forkk, vv in v.items()}
fork, v in series.items()}
{'a': {'bar': 3, 'baz': 7, 'foo': 2, 'qux': 1},
'b': {'bar': 4, 'baz': 3, 'foo': 6, 'qux': 0},
'c': {'bar': 5, 'baz': 1, 'foo': 4, 'qux': 6}}
Your own example just iterates the key, value -pairs of series, which has (nested) dict
Note that this is not a generic solution. For that you'd need recursion or a stack.
Solution 2:
int(v) -- v is a dictionary!
this line here, you are trying to convert a dictionary to an integer.
you'll need to nest another dictionary comprehension inside
basically if you replace [int(v)] with something like
[dict((a,int(b) for (a,b) in v.items())]
didn't test that out but you get the idea, also nesting that might get a little messy
i suggest just writing a function that takes a dictionary and converts it's values from strings to int and then you can just replace [int(v)] with something like
Solution 3:
In your example v
is the internal dictionary, not the internal values. What you want to do is turn all values in the internal dict into an int.
{k1: {k2: int(v2) for k2, v2 in series[k1].items()} for k1 in series}
Solution 4:
As stated by Ilja Everilä, if you want a generic solution for all kinds of nested dict
, you can use a recursive function.
I guess something like the following would work (will test it when I have some more time).
for k,v in series.items():
iftype(v) == dict:
eliftype(v) == str:
series[k] = int(v)
Note that the above routine will changes your series
in-place. If you want a more functional approach (with a return value that you can use like int_series = series_to_int(series)
, you'll have to tweak it a little.
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