How Can I Run Flask In Windows?
Solution 1:
Answer to the question:
Run the app:
set FLASK_APP=newproj
set FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
Firstly you should create virtualenvironment for your flask project in yor desktop.
install virtualenvironment : install virtualenvironment at your terminal or dos
pip install virtualenv
create a new folder for your project (i show you creating folder at terminal)
mkdir newproj
cd newproj
virtualenv venv
mkdir newproj : created new folder named "newproj"
cd newproj : change directory to "newproj"
virtualenv venv : created virtualenvironment named "venv"
and activate your venv.
C:\Users\name\abc> venv\Scripts\activate
Now, you can start install flask.
pip install Flask
If you use pycharm, open your folder in your editor. And create a new python file named (or another things). Write code below inside ypur python file.
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World’
if __name__ == '__main__':
Open pycharm editor and if venv is deactivate, activate venv. The above given Python script is executed from Python shell.
Debug Mode:
# = True)'',port=8000,debug=True)
Summary :
$ export # your python file name$ set FLASK_APP =$ export FLASK_ENV=development$ set FLASK_DEBUG = True$ flask run
Solution 2:
Here is a tricky part which I meet currently, for my situation I do download python too but cannot recognised via
python --vesrion
try with py --version
, it work in my case and use py instead of python for other command too
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