How To Calculate Weight To Minimize Variance?
Solution 1:
You can start with building a loss function stating the variance and the constraints on w
's. The mean is m = (1/4)*(y1 + y2 + y3 + y4)
. The variance is then (1/4)*((y1-m)^2 + (y2-m)^2 + (y3-m)^2 + (y4-m)^2)
and the constraint is a*(w1+w2+w3 - 1)
where a
is the Lagrange multiplier. The problem looks like to me a convex optimisation with convex constraints since the loss function is quadratic with respect to target variables (w1,w2,w3) and the constraints are linear. You can look for projected gradient descent algorithms which respect to the constraints provided. Take a look to here There are no straightforward analytic solutions to such kind of problems in general.
Solution 2:
w = [5, 6, 7]
x1 = [3, 4, 6]
x2 = [2, 8, 1]
x3 = [5, 5, 4]
y1, y2, y3 = 0, 0, 0forindex, i in enumerate(w):
y1 = y1 + i * x1[index]
y2 = y2 + i * x2[index]
y3 = y3 + i * x3[index]
print(min(y1, y2, y3))
I think I maybe get the purpose of your problem.But if you want to find the smallest value, I hope this can help you.
I just make the values fixed, you can make it to be the def
when you see this is one way to solve your question.
Solution 3:
I don't know much about optimization problem, but I get the idea of gradient descent so I tried to reduce the weight between the max score and min score, my script is below:
# coding: utf-8import numpy as np
max_score = max(alist)
idx = alist.index(max_score)
return max_score, idx
max_score = min(alist)
idx = alist.index(max_score)
return max_score, idx
res = []
for i inrange(0, len(alist)):
return res
defget_sub(list1, list2):
res = []
for i inrange(0, len(list1)):
res.append(list1[i] - list2[i])
return res
defgrad_dec(w,dist, st = 0.001):
max_item, max_item_idx = get_max(dist)
min_item, min_item_idx = get_min(dist)
w[max_item_idx] = w[max_item_idx] - st
w[min_item_idx] = w[min_item_idx] + st
defcal_score(w, x):
score = []
print'weight', w ,x
for i inrange(0, len(x)):
score_i = 0for j inrange(0,5):
score_i = w[j]*x[i][j] + score_i
# check variance is small enoughprint'score', score
return score
# cal_score(w,x)if __name__ == "__main__":
init_w = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
x = [[7.3, 10, 8.3, 8.8, 4.2], [6.8, 8.9, 8.4, 9.7, 4.2], [6.9, 9.9, 9.7, 8.1, 6.7]]
score = cal_score(init_w,x)
variance = np.var(score)
round = 0forroundinrange(0, 100):
if variance < 0.012:
max_score, idx = get_max(score)
min_score, idx2 = get_min(score)
weighted_1 = get_weighted(x[idx], init_w)
weighted_2 = get_weighted(x[idx2], init_w)
dist = get_sub(weighted_1, weighted_2)
# print max_score, idx, min_score, idx2, dist
grad_dec(init_w, dist)
score = cal_score(init_w, x)
variance = np.var(score)
print'variance', variance
print score
In my practice it really can reduce the variance. I am very glad but I don't know whether my solution is solid in math.
Solution 4:
My full solution can be viewed in PDF.
The trick is to put the vectors x_i
as columns of a matrix X
Then writing the problem becomes a Convex Problem with constrain of the solution to be on the Unit Simplex.
I solved it using Projected Sub Gradient Method. I calculated the Gradient of the objective function and created a projection to the Unit Simplex.
Now all needed is to iterate them. I validated my solution using CVX.
% StackOverflow 44984132
% How to calculate weight to minimize variance?
% Remarks:
% 1. sa
% 1. ds
% Release Notes
% - 1.0.00008/07/2017
% * First release.
%% General Parameters
figureIdx = 0; %<! Continuefrom Question 1
figureCounterSpec = '%04d';
generateFigures = OFF;
%% Simulation Parameters
dimOrder = 3;
numSamples = 4;
mX = randi([1, 10], [dimOrder, numSamples]);
vE = ones([dimOrder, 1]);
%% Solve Using CVX
variable vW(numSamples)
minimize( (0.5 * sum_square_abs( mX * vW - (1 / numSamples) * (vE.' * mX * vW) * vE )) )
subject to
sum(vW) == 1;
vW >= 0;
disp([' ']);
disp(['CVX Solution - [ ', num2str(vW.'), ' ]']);
%% Solve Using Projected Sub Gradient
numIterations = 20000;
stepSize = 0.001;
simplexRadius = 1; %<! Unit Simplex Radius
stopThr = 1e-6;
hKernelFun = @(vW) ((mX * vW) - ((1 / numSamples) * ((vE.' * mX * vW) * vE)));
hObjFun = @(vW) 0.5 * sum(hKernelFun(vW) .^ 2);
hGradFun = @(vW) (mX.' * hKernelFun(vW)) - ((1 / numSamples) * vE.' * (hKernelFun(vW)) * mX.' * vE);
vW = rand([numSamples, 1]);
vW = vW(:) / sum(vW);
for ii = 1:numIterations
vGradW = hGradFun(vW);
vW = vW - (stepSize * vGradW);
% Projecting onto the Unit Simplex
% sum(vW) == 1, vW >= 0.
vW = ProjectSimplex(vW, simplexRadius, stopThr);
disp([' ']);
disp(['Projected Sub Gradient Solution - [ ', num2str(vW.'), ' ]']);
%% Restore Defaults
% set(0, 'DefaultFigureWindowStyle', 'normal');
% set(0, 'DefaultAxesLooseInset', defaultLoosInset);
You can see the full code in StackOverflow Q44984132 (PDF is available as well).
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