How To Install Pygame On Mac With Python 2.7 Installed?
I want to install pygame on Mac 10.6.8. I managed to install python 2.7.9 and to make it stable. I tried to install different versions of pygame but none worked: for example with t
Solution 1:
Seems there are some binary incompatible issue. Maybe you can download the source and compile it:
Solution 2:
The solution for me, after a lot of searching, is described in this link, using homwbrew and pip.
- install XQuarts if not already installed from the site
- install homebrew (link here)
- install python3 with the command
brew install python3
in the terminal - install the Mercurial version control system:
brew install mercurial
- do the same for the git version control system, which is needed by a dependency package:
brew install git
- Now install all the dependencies of Pygame:
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi
- install
with the command/usr/local/share/python3/easy_install pip
(in my case the folder was/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.3_2/bin
) /usr/local/share/python3/pip install hg
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