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How To Make One Global Variable From A For Loop

So I have a for loop that when printing within the for loop prints exactly what I want since it prints for each line of the txt file. However I want to make all of those printed li

Solution 1:

Are you looking for something like this?

code = []
withopen('schedule.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        a,b,c = line.split(',')
        code.append('schedule.every().{}.at("{}").do(job, "{}")'.format(a, b, c))

Now code is a list of strings. Then you can join them together in a single string like this:

python_code = ";".join(code)

Another way which may be easier to read is to define code = "" and then append to it in the loop:

code += 'schedule.every().{}.at("{}").do(job, "{}");'.format(a, b, c)

Then you won't need to join anything, but the output will have an unnecessary semicolon as the last character, which is still valid, but a bit ugly.

Solution 2:

Initiate an empty list before you open the file. Append the variables a, b and c to the list as you read them. This would give you a list of lists containing what you need.

variables = []
withopen('schedule.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        a,b,c = line.split(',')
        variables.append([a, b, c])


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