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Is There Limitation Of Numbers Of Binding In Tkinter?

Thanks to lots of people's help, I made an tkinter UI that drag/drop the cards. However, I met another big problem. I want to bind the specific cards using line, but the binding do

Solution 1:

It is because you get the wrong card ID:

defupdate_tention(self, tag):
    tentions = self.find_withtag(f'card {tag}')
    for tention in tentions:
        bounded_cards = self.gettags(tention)
        card = bounded_cards[0][-1]  # get only the last digit, e.g. get "3" from "card 13"
        card2= bounded_cards[1][-1]  # get only the last digit
        x1,y1 = self.get_mid_point(card)
        x2,y2 = self.get_mid_point(card2)
        self.coords(tention, x1,y1, x2,y2)

It should be:

def update_tention(self, tag):
    tentions = self.find_withtag(f'card {tag}')
    for tention in tentions:
        bounded_cards = self.gettags(tention)
        card = bounded_cards[0].split()[-1]  # get last number, e.g. "13" from "card 13"
        card2= bounded_cards[1].split()[-1]  # get last number
        x1,y1 = self.get_mid_point(card)
        x2,y2 = self.get_mid_point(card2)
        self.coords(tention, x1,y1, x2,y2)

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