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Matching Nonempty Lines With Pyparsing

I am trying to make a small application which uses pyparsing to extract data from files produced by another program. These files have following format. SOME_KEYWORD: line 1 line 2

Solution 1:

My take on it:

from pyparsing import *

    # matches and removes end of line
    EOL = LineEnd().suppress()

    # line starts, anything follows until EOL, fails on blank lines,
    line = LineStart() + SkipTo(LineEnd(), failOn=LineStart()+LineEnd()) + EOL

    lines = OneOrMore(line)

    # Group keyword probably helps grouping these items together, you can remove it
    parser = Keyword("SOME_KEYWORD:") + EOL + Group(lines) + Keyword("ANOTHER_KEYWORD:") + EOL + Group(lines)
    result = parser.parseFile('data.txt')
    print result

Result is:

['SOME_KEYWORD:', ['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line 4'], 'ANOTHER_KEYWORD:', ['line a', 'line b', 'line c']]

Solution 2:

This takes you most of the way there:

import pyparsing as pp

data = """
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4

line a
line b
line c

some_kw = pp.Keyword('SOME_KEYWORD:').suppress()
another_kw = pp.Keyword('ANOTHER_KEYWORD:').suppress()
kw = pp.Optional(some_kw ^ another_kw)

# Hint from:
lines = kw + pp.SkipTo(
    pp.LineEnd() + pp.OneOrMore(pp.LineEnd()) |
    pp.LineEnd() + pp.StringEnd() |

result = lines.searchString(data.strip())
results_list = result.asList()
# => [['\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4'], ['\nline a\nline b\nline c']]

When building a grammar it really helps to assign parts to variables and reference those when you can.

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