Override Django Imagefield Validation
I am trying to create a form where users will be allowed to upload any image file + SWF files. Django's ImageField does not support SWF so I need to override it. What I want to do
Solution 1:
An alternative and possibly easiest solution is to use a standard FileField
with a custom validator:
ext = os.path.splitext(value.name)[1] # [0] returns path filename
valid = ['.jpg', '.swf']
if ext notin valid:
raise ValidationError("Unsupported file extension.")
file = forms.FileField(validators=[my_validate])
Solution 2:
may be it will be useful:
from django.core.validators import FileExtensionValidator
my_field = models.FileField('Name', validators=[FileExtensionValidator(['svg', 'jpg', 'png', '.....'])])
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