Reading Json File As Pandas Dataframe Error
I have a Json file as follows. It's a list of dicts. [{'city': 'ab', 'trips': 4, 'date': '2014-01-25', 'value': 4.7, 'price': 1.1, 'request_date': '2014-06-17', 'medium': 'iPhone'
Solution 1:
I think you can use modul json
for reading file.json
and then DataFrame constructor
import pandas as pd
import json
withopen('file.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
print data
[{u'city': u'ab', u'medium': u'iPhone', u'request_date': u'2014-06-17', u'price': 1.1, u'Weekly_pct': 46.2, u'value': 4.7, u'%price': 15.4, u'avg_price': 5.0, u'date': u'2014-01-25', u'avg_dist': 3.67, u'type': True, u'trips': 4}, {u'city': u'bc', u'medium': u'Android', u'request_date': u'2014-05-05', u'price': 1.0, u'weekly_pct': 50.0, u'value': 5.0, u'%price': 0.0, u'avg_price': 5.0, u'date': u'2014-01-29', u'avg_dist': 8.26, u'type': False, u'trips': 0}]
print pd.DataFrame(data)
%price Weekly_pct avg_dist avg_price city date medium price \
015.446.23.675.0 ab 2014-01-25 iPhone 1.110.0 NaN 8.265.0 bc 2014-01-29 Android 1.0
request_date trips type value weekly_pct
02014-06-174True4.7 NaN
12014-05-05 0False5.050.0
Solution 2:
I had the same error. Turns out it couldn't find the file. I modified the path and pd.read_json
worked fine. As for json.loads
, this might be helpful.
Solution 3:
You need to indicate to Pandas that "records" formatting (where the JSON appears like a list of dictionaries) is used in datasets.json
res = pd.read_json('input/dataset.json', orient='records')
print(res.iloc[:, :5])
%price Weekly_pct avg_dist avg_price city
015.446.23.675 ab
10.0 NaN 8.265 bc
Solution 4:
The following worked for me when pd.read_json failed: open file, load with normal json.load, then load into a pandas dataframe.
import pandas as pd
import json
Solution 5:
For me it was a problem with the path. The path I had to use depended on the directory from where I run the python file. Maybe try to 'cd' into the directory of your python file and then data=pd.read_json('dataset.json')
should work.
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