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Telegram Api - Creating An Authorization Key 404 Error

I am trying to write a simple program in python to use telegram api, (not bot api, main messaging api) Now i have written this code #!/usr/bin/env python import socket import ran

Solution 1:

here is sample data from a simple TCP handshake with Telegram Servers:


Lets break it down:

  1. We are using the TCP abridged version, so we start off with 0xEF

  2. The format for plain-text Telegram messages is auth_ke_id + msg_id + msg_len + msg

  3. auth_key_id is always 0 for plain-text messages hence we always start with 0000000000000000

  4. msg_id must approximately equal unixtime*2^32(see here) I have also seen that some variant of this works quite well for msg_id in any language on any platform: whole_part_of(current_micro_second_time_stamp * 4294.967296)

  5. The first message you start with for Auth_key generation is reqPQ which is defined as: reqPQ#0x60469778 {:nonce, :int128} so it is simply a TL-header + a 128-bit random integer the total length will always be 4 + 16 = 20 encoded as little-endian that would be msg_len = 14000000

  6. say we have a 128-bit random integer= 55555555555555555555555555555555, then our reqPQ message would be 7897466055555555555555555555555555555555, which is simply TL-type 60469778 or 78974660 in little-endian followed by your randomly chooses 128-bit nonce.

  7. Before you send out the packet, again recall that TCP-abridged mode required you to include the total packet length in front of the other bytes just after the initial 0xEA . This packet length is computed as follows

    let len = total_length / 4

    a) If len < 127 then len_header = len as byte

    b) If len >=127 then len_header = 0x7f + to_3_byte_little_endian(len)

finally we have:




compared to yours:


I would say, try using TCP-abriged mode by include the 0xEF starting bit and re-check your msg_id computation


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