Change Python Source While Running
Solution 1:
Yes, but it ill advised — code which changes itself (although necessary in some cases) is notoriously hard to debug. You're looking for the reload
method. The way that you would get it to work would be to modify the source file and then call reload on the module, then repeat.
You do have the option of re-assigning and modifying the code within the application itself — something which does not risk race conditions and it will also allow for a more consistent and testable environment. For an example, I would recomment Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
's answer.
Have you tried to see what you could manage by merely changing a state (an external config file, database entry, etc)
Solution 2:
The following module can probably change whatever you need, not that it's a good idea to use, other than to muck around : )
Note that it will not change your source, which would probably be a disaster, especially if you make a coding error. The 'safer' option would be to play with byteplay
Ok, now let's play! Say we want to change the function, to print its arguments in reverse order. To do this, we will add a ROT_TWO opcode after the two arguments were loaded to the stack. See how simple it is:
>>>from byteplay import *>>>from pprint import pprint>>>deff(a, b):...print (a, b)...>>>f(3, 5)
(3, 5)
>>>c = Code.from_code(f.func_code)>>>c.code[3:3] = [(ROT_TWO, None)]>>>f.func_code = c.to_code()>>>f(3, 5)
(5, 3)
>>>f(3, 5)
(5, 3)
If you are using a defined set of options but want to preserve the same function call, you can also do something like the following
print"HELLO"#etc>>> a = Foo()
>>> a.fn()
>>> a.fn = a.op1
>>> a.fn()
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