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Create Nested Dict From Pandas Dataframe

I have a pandas dataframe that I would like to pull information from and create a nested dictionary for downstream use, however, I'm not very good at working with pandas yet and I

Solution 1:

You can use iterrows() to update a dictionary as-you-go:
iterrows() creates a tuple for each row, where the first element (i.e row[0]) is the row's index, and the 2nd element is a pd.Serie object for all the values in the row.

            A_start A_end   B_start     B_end
sequence_1  0.1     0.025   0.030303    0.001
sequence_2  0.2     0.050   0.060606    0.002
sequence_3  0.3     0.075   0.090909    0.003
sequence_4  0.4     0.100   0.121212    0.004

A_value = 'some value'
B_value = 'other value'
d = dict()

for row in df.iterrows():  
    d[row[0]] = {(row[1]['A_start'], row[1]['A_end']): A_value, (row[1]['B_start'], row[1]['B_end']): B_value}

{'sequence_1': {(0.10000000000000001, 0.025000000000000001): 'some value', (0.030303030303030304, 0.001): 'other value'}}

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