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Dynamic Filter Choice Field In Django

I am using django-filter to filter results on a page. I am able to use static choice filters like this: FILTER_CHOICES = ( ('', 'All States'), ('AL', 'Alabama'), ('AK',

Solution 1:

That's because FILTER_CHOICES is tuples in a tuple, not tuples in a list. Try this:

plant_number = django_filters.ChoiceFilter(choices=((, o.plant_number.foobar + " " + o.manufacturer_name) for o in Plant.objects.all()))

Solution 2:

So I figured this out, I was passing the plant_number instead of the id, which is what django was expecting since my filter is against the Sightings model and plant_number is a foreign key in the the Sightings model. The code that worked:

plant_number = django_filters.ChoiceFilter(choices=[[, o.plant_number + " " + o.Manufacturer] for o in Plant.objects.all().order_by('IMS_plant')])

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