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Elementwise Operations In Mpmath Slow Compared To Numpy And Its Solution

I have some calculations that involve factorials that explode pretty fast so I resolved to use the arbitrary precision library mpmath. The code I have looks like this: import numpy

Solution 1:

gmpy2 is significantly faster that mpmath for this type of calculation. The following code runs about 12x faster on my machine.

import numpy as np
import gmpy2 as mp
import time

a = np.linspace(0, 100e-2, 100)
b = np.linspace(0, np.pi)
c = np.arange(30)

t = time.time()
M = np.ones([len(a), len(b), len(c)])
A, B = np.meshgrid( a, b, indexing = 'ij' )
temp = A**2+B
temp = np.reshape(temp, [len(a), len(b), 1])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(c), axis=2)
M *= temp
print'part1:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()

temp = np.array([mp.factorial(x) for x in c])
temp = np.reshape(temp, [1, 1, len(c)])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(a), axis=0)
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(b), axis=1)
print'part2 so far:', time.time() - t
M *= temp
print'part2:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()

mpmath is written in Python and normally uses Python's native integers for its computations. If gmpy2 is available, it will use the faster integer type provided by gmpy2. If you just need one of the functions that is provided directly by gmpy2, then using gmpy2 directly is usually faster.


I ran a few experiments. What's actually happening may not be what you expect. When you calculate temp, the values can either be an integer (math.factorial, gmpy.fac, or gmpy2.fac) or a floating-point value (gmpy2.factorial, mpmath.fac). When numpy computes M *= temp, all the values in temp are converted to a 64-bit float. If the value is an integer, the conversion raises an OverflowError. If the value is a floating point number, the conversion returns infinity. You can see this by changing c to np.arange(300) and print M at the end. If you use gmpy.fac or math.factorial, you will get and OverflowError. If you use mpmath.factorial or gmpy2.factorial, you won't get an OverflowError but the resulting M will contain infinities.

If you are trying to avoid the OverflowError, you will need to calculate temp with floating point values so the conversion to a 64-bit float will result in infinity.

If you aren't encountering OverflowError, then math.factorial is the fastest option.

If you are trying to avoid both OverflowError and infinities, then you'll need to use either the mpmath.mpf or the gmpy2.mpfr floating point types throughout. (Don't try to use gmpy.mpf.)

Update #2

Here is an example that uses gmpy2.mpfr with a precision of 200 bits. With c=np.arange(30), it is ~5x faster than your original example. I show it using c = np.arange(300) since that would either generate an OverflowError or infinities. The total running time for the larger range is about the same as your original code.

import numpy as np
import gmpy2
import time

from gmpy2 import mpfr

gmpy2.get_context().precision = 200

a = np.linspace(mpfr(0), mpfr(1), 100)
b = np.linspace(mpfr(0), gmpy2.const_pi())
c = np.arange(300)

t = time.time()
M = np.ones([len(a), len(b), len(c)], dtype=object)
A, B = np.meshgrid( a, b, indexing = 'ij' )
temp = A**2+B
temp = np.reshape(temp, [len(a), len(b), 1])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(c), axis=2)
M *= temp
print'part1:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()

temp = np.array([gmpy2.factorial(x) for x in c], dtype=object)
temp = np.reshape(temp, [1, 1, len(c)])
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(a), axis=0)
temp = np.repeat(temp, len(b), axis=1)
print'part2 so far:', time.time() - t
M *= temp
print'part2:', time.time() - t
t = time.time()

Disclaimer: I maintain gmpy2.

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