Finding A Consecutive 'true' Boolean Values In A List
list=[False, True,True,False,False,True, True] In that list, I want to find the starting position of True and how many they are such that the list should return: [[1,2], [6,2]] I
Solution 1:
What do you consider special? This turns the list of Booleans into a string of Xs and Os and then uses re.finditer
to find the spans of Xs or True
import re
import operator
x = [False, True,True,False,False,True, True]
s = ''.join('X'if p else'O'for p in x)
list([m.span()[0], abs(operator.sub(*m.span()))] for m in re.finditer('X+', s))
And here is another that uses enumerate
and itertools.groupby
import itertools
list((g[0][0], len(g))
forkey, groupin itertools.groupby(enumerate(x), key=lambda v: v[1])
ifkeyfor g in (list(group),))
Solution 2:
from itertools import groupby
l = [False, True,True,False,False,True, True]
results = []
for k, g in groupby(enumerate(l), key=lambda x: x[1]):
if k: # k is True
g = list(g) # for example: [(1, True), (2, True)]
results.append([g[0][0], len(g)]) # for example: [1, 2]print(results)
[[1, 2], [5, 2]]
Solution 3:
lists=[False, True,True,False,False,True, True]
pos = -1for idx, val inenumerate(lists):
if val==Trueand pos == -1:
counter += 1
pos = idx
elif val == True:
counter += 1elif pos != -1:
pos = -1
counter = 0if counter > 0:
Brute forcing as mentioned in the question. I am keeping a track of index where the "True" begins and maintaining a counter of it, as soon as i read a false i reset the counter and the tracking index to -1 and also append the [tracking index, counter] to the answer list.
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