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Fully Customized Python Help Usage

I'm trying to create a fully customized 'help' usage with Python (which I plan to import into many programs that I want to have style consistency) but am having some trouble. I

Solution 1:

import argparse
version = "1.0"classUSAGEformat(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
    defadd_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix=None):
        if prefix isNone:
            prefix = 'nameconstant version '+ version+' USAGE:  'returnsuper(USAGEformat, self).add_usage(
                usage, actions, groups, prefix)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, formatter_class=USAGEformat,
'''several lines of text
describing my program..

because it will be necessary''')

gp1 = parser.add_argument_group('___________________\nCOMPULSORY ARGS')
gp1.add_argument('input', metavar="input.ext", type=argparse.FileType('rt'))
gp1.add_argument('output', metavar="output.ext", type=argparse.FileType('wt'))

gp2 = parser.add_argument_group('___________________\nOPTIONAL ARGS')
gp2.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
      help='print debugging messages to terminal')
gp2.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS)



2156:~/mypy$ python 
nameconstant version 1.0 USAGE: [-v] [-h]
                                                  input.ext output.ext

several lines of text
describing my program..

because it will be necessary


  -v, --verbose  print debugging messages to terminal
  -h, --help

RawDescriptionHelpFormatter preserves the formatting of the description.

I used the '''...''' for the description just to make the code look nicer; that's not important.

I substituted argument_groups for your renaming of the existing groups. Your way works fine, but I think mine is what the developers intended.

HelpFormatter formats the various pieces, with a generous use of \n between them, and then ends up stripping out duplicates (including the end). So we'd have to identify and modify the relevant method (format_help).

You've made some changes on the usage line since I started my answer.

I agree with the comment that required arguments are shown, by convention, without the [].

I got this usage because the line, with prefix, is too long. So it split it, and put the positionals on a second line, lined up with the optionals:


If I set

prefix = 'USAGE:  '

then usage is

USAGE: [-v] [-h] input.ext output.ext

We'd have to look at how it does wrapping and indenting to get the usage to your specs.


In importing custom python modules.. why do only some elements carry over?

I explain that the help formatter is created fresh each time you ask for a help or usage. Defining the parser sets the formatter class, but does not create a formatter. That means that any global variables that the formatter class uses will get their values as runtime rather than setup.

For example, version is global (to the module). It is initially '1.0' and this is the value that appears in the usage. But if I add to the end of the above script:

version = '2.0'

the usage line changes to:


If I import this script with:

import stack47118098 as pp


pp.version = '3.0'

the first help (after import) uses the '2.0' version that was in the file. But the second help uses the newly defined version.

To change something like the description of the parser, I have to use

pp.parser.description = 'New short description'

That is, I'm modifying an attribute of the existing object.

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