How To I List Imported Modules With Their Version?
I need to list all imported modules together with their version. Some of my code only works with specific versions and I want to save the version of the packages, so that I can loo
Solution 1:
Because you have a list of strings of the module name, not the module itself. Try this:
for module_name in modules:
module = sys.modules[module_name]
print module_name, getattr(module, '__version__', 'unknown')
Note that not all modules follow the convention of storing the version information in __version__
Solution 2:
One of the issues I have had with huge legacy programs is where aliases have been used (import thing as stuff
). It is also often good to know exactly which file is being loaded. I wrote this module a while ago which might do what you need:
Python 2 version
"""import inspect
import sys
import re
for name, val in sys._getframe(1).f_locals.items():
if inspect.ismodule(val):
fullnm = str(val)
ifnot'(built-in)'in fullnm and \
not __name__ in fullnm:
m ="'(.+)'.*'(.+)'", fullnm)
module,path = m.groups()
print"%-12s maps to %s" % (name, path)
ifhasattr(val, '__version__'):
print"version:", val.__version__
Using it:
import sys
import matplotlib
import spection
Gives (on my system):
matplotlib maps to /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/matplotlib/__init__.pyc
You will note that I omit builtins like sys
and the spection module itself.
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