How To Keep Keys/values In Same Order As Declared?
Solution 1:
From Python 3.6 onwards, the standard dict
type maintains insertion order by default.
d = {'ac':33, 'gw':20, 'ap':102, 'za':321, 'bs':10}
will result in a dictionary with the keys in the order listed in the source code.
This was achieved by using a simple array with integers for the sparse hash table, where those integers index into another array that stores the key-value pairs (plus the calculated hash). That latter array just happens to store the items in insertion order, and the whole combination actually uses less memory than the implementation used in Python 3.5 and before. See the original idea post by Raymond Hettinger for details.
In 3.6 this was still considered an implementation detail; see the What's New in Python 3.6 documentation:
The order-preserving aspect of this new implementation is considered an implementation detail and should not be relied upon (this may change in the future, but it is desired to have this new dict implementation in the language for a few releases before changing the language spec to mandate order-preserving semantics for all current and future Python implementations; this also helps preserve backwards-compatibility with older versions of the language where random iteration order is still in effect, e.g. Python 3.5).
Python 3.7 elevates this implementation detail to a language specification, so it is now mandatory that dict
preserves order in all Python implementations compatible with that version or newer. See the pronouncement by the BDFL. As of Python 3.8, dictionaries also support iteration in reverse.
You may still want to use the collections.OrderedDict()
class in certain cases, as it offers some additional functionality on top of the standard dict
type. Such as as being reversible (this extends to the view objects), and supporting reordering (via the move_to_end()
Solution 2:
from collections import OrderedDict
OrderedDict((word, True) for word in words)
OrderedDict([('He', True), ('will', True), ('be', True), ('the', True), ('winner', True)])
If the values are True
(or any other immutable object), you can also use:
OrderedDict.fromkeys(words, True)
Solution 3:
Rather than explaining the theoretical part, I'll give a simple example.
>>>from collections import OrderedDict>>>my_dictionary=OrderedDict()>>>my_dictionary['foo']=3>>>my_dictionary['aol']=1>>>my_dictionary
OrderedDict([('foo', 3), ('aol', 1)])
{'foo': 3, 'aol': 1}
Solution 4:
Note that this answer applies to python versions prior to python3.7. CPython 3.6 maintains insertion order under most circumstances as an implementation detail. Starting from Python3.7 onward, it has been declared that implementations MUST maintain insertion order to be compliant.
python dictionaries are unordered. If you want an ordered dictionary, try collections.OrderedDict.
Note that OrderedDict was introduced into the standard library in python 2.7. If you have an older version of python, you can find recipes for ordered dictionaries on ActiveState.
Solution 5:
Dictionaries will use an order that makes searching efficient, and you cant change that,
You could just use a list of objects (a 2 element tuple in a simple case, or even a class), and append items to the end. You can then use linear search to find items in it.
Alternatively you could create or use a different data structure created with the intention of maintaining order.
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