How To Make Gps-app For Android Using Kivy, Pyjnius?
Im new in KIVY, pyjnius and python-android. I need to make simple app for android, which shows GPS coordinates. But, as i said, i'm new in kivy and pyforandroid. Can somebody show/
Solution 1:
You can now use Plyer:
It supports GPS.
Solution 2:
I did while ago a demo of accessing GPS within Kivy/pyjnius:
Look at the source code, everything is in it.
Solution 3:
Plyer is a Python library for accessing features of your hardware / platforms.
Just found it, so I don't know much about it.
Found it on this Kivy Github issue:
Solution 4:
You can use another alternative, which is the Android
module, remember, to try it in Qpython3 in your android device because it has the necessary permissions and also turn on your gps location. here is the code:
import android
droid = android.Android()
loc = droid.readLocation()
lattitude = loc.result['network']['latitude']
longitude = loc.result['network']['longitude']
print(lattitude, longitude )
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