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How To Train Tensorflow Network Using A Generator To Produce Inputs?

The TensorFlow docs describe a bunch of ways to read data using TFRecordReader, TextLineReader, QueueRunner etc and queues. What I would like to do is much, much simpler: I have a

Solution 1:

Suppose you have a function that generates data:

    yield (X, y)

Now you need another function that describes your model architecture. It could be any function that processes X and has to predict y as output (say, neural network).

Suppose your function accepts X and y as inputs, computes a prediction for y from X in some way and returns loss function (e.g. cross-entropy or MSE in the case of regression) between y and predicted y:

defneural_network(X, y): 
    # computation of prediction for y using X
    return loss(y, y_pred)

To make your model work, you need to define placeholders for both X and y and then run a session:

X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, x_dim))
 y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, y_dim))

Placeholders are something like "free variables" which you need to specify when running the session by feed_dict:

withtf.Session()as sess:# variables need to be initialized before any callstf.global_variables_initializer().run()forX_batch,y_batchingenerator(data):feed_dict= {X:X_batch, y:y_batch} 
         _,loss_value,[train_op,loss,...],feed_dict)# train_op here stands for optimization operation you have defined# and loss for loss function (return value of neural_network function)

Hope you would find it useful. However, bear in mind this is not fully working implementation but rather a pseudocode since you specified almost no details.

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