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If Statements And One Line Python Scripts From Command Line

Why do I receive a syntax error for the following one liner python code? python -c 'import re; if True: print 'HELLO';' File '', line 1 import re; if True: prin

Solution 1:

One option to work around this limitation is to specify the command with the $'string' format using the newline escape sequence \n.

python -c $'import re\nif True: print"HELLO";'

Note: this is supported by shells such as bash and zsh, but is not valid POSIX sh.

As mentioned by @slaadvak, there are some other workarounds here: Executing Python multi-line statements in the one-line command-line

Solution 2:

The problem isn't with the import statement specifically, its that you have anything before a control flow statement. This won't work, either:

dan@dan:~> python -c 'a = "1234" ; if True: print "hi"'
  File "<string>", line 1
    a = "1234" ; ifTrue: print "hi"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

According to the Python reference (, ';' can only be used to combine "simple statements" together. In this case you're combining the simple statement import re, with if True:. if True isn't a simple statement, because it's introducing flow control, and is therefore a compound statement. At least that's how I interpret the documentation.

Here's the full text from the Python reference:

Compound statements consist of one or more ‘clauses.’ A clause consists of a header and a ‘suite.’ The clause headers of a particular compound statement are all at the same indentation level. Each clause header begins with a uniquely identifying keyword and ends with a colon. A suite is a group of statements controlled by a clause. A suite can be one or more semicolon-separated simple statements on the same line as the header, following the header’s colon, or it can be one or more indented statements on subsequent lines

compound_stmt ::=  if_stmt
                   | while_stmt
                   | for_stmt
                   | try_stmt
                   | with_stmt
                   | funcdef
                   | classdef
                   | decorated
suite         ::=  stmt_list NEWLINE | NEWLINE INDENT statement+ DEDENT
statement     ::=  stmt_list NEWLINE | compound_stmt
stmt_list     ::=  simple_stmt (";" simple_stmt)* [";"]

Solution 3:

You can embed newlines directly in the argument.

$ python -c 'import re> if True:>  print "HELLO"> '

Solution 4:

Why do I receive a syntax error for the following one liner python code?

Python grammar might forbid small_stmt ';' compound_stmt. -c argument is probably is interpreted as file_input:

fileinput: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt
simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINEsmall_stmt: import_stmt <in this case>
compound_stmt: if_stmt <in this case>

Note: there is a newline at the end of simple_stmt. if_stmt is not small_stmt it can't follow another small_stmt after ';'. A newline is necessary to introduce compound_stmt after small_stmt.

It is not an issue because bash allows multiline arguments, just don't close the opening single quote until you done e.g.:

$ python -c '> import re> if 1:>   print(1)> '

Note: > are printed by the shell itself here. It is not entered by hand.

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