Learning Python: Changing Value In List Based On Condition
Solution 1:
Write a function for it and use map()
to call it on every element:
def _replaceitem(x):
ifx== '?':
return'i'elifx== 'x':
returnxa= map(_replaceitem, a)
Note that this creates a new list. If the list is too big or you don't want this for some other reason, you can use for i in xrange(len(a)):
and then update a[i]
if necessary.
To get (index, value)
pairs from a list, use enumerate(a)
which returns an iterator yielding such pairs.
To get the first index where the list contains a given value, use a.index('?')
Solution 2:
For 1:
for i inrange(len(a)):
if a[i] == '?':
a[i] = 'i'elif a[i] == 'x':
a[i] = 10
For 2, what do you mean by "key"? If you mean index:
index = a.index('?')
Solution 3:
Start by reading the Built-in Types section of the Library Reference. I think that you are looking for list.index
Solution 4:
Only because no one's mentioned it yet, here's my favourite non-for-loop idiom for performing replacements like this:
>>> a = ['1', '7', '?', '8', '5', 'x']
>>> reps = {'?': 'i', 'x': 10}
>>> b = [reps.get(x,x) for x in a]
>>> b
['1', '7', 'i', '8', '5', 10]
The .get() method is incredibly useful, and scales up better than an if/elif chain.
Solution 5:
it is function called 'index':
>>>a = ['1', '7', '?', '8', '5', 'x']>>>a.index('?')
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