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Matching Dict Keys With User Input In Python

I am creating a python pizza app (yes I know there is a ton of them) but, I am coming across a scenario that I need help understanding. price = 0 toppings = { 'mushrooms': .5,

Solution 1:

You can do it multiple ways:

  1. Use if order1 in pizzaSize, if it is true, add the price
  2. Use .get() to see if the size is present in the dictionary and react accordingly.
  3. Use pizzaSize[order1] and catch the exception if the key is not present in dict.

Solution 2:

You need may use an .get() to get the corresponding value from the dict, if it doesn't exist you'll a None

order1 = input("Welcome to the pizza store what size pizza can we get for you (small, medium, large, or x-large): " )

size_price = pizzaSize.get(order1)
if size_price isnotNone:
    price += size_price
    print(f"Sorry the size '{order1}' doesn't exist")

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