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Problems Prompting User For Input In Python

import sys import turtle t=turtle.Pen def what_to_draw(): print ('What to do you want to see a sketch of that may or may not be colored?') what_to_draw=sys.stdin.readline() if

Solution 1:

Several lines of your code have errors of some sort:

t=turtle.Pen should be: t = turtle.Pen()

You should avoid functions and variables with the same name

def what_to_draw():
    what_to_draw = sys.stdin.readline()

Use rstrip() to deal with "\n" and .lower() to deal with case:

ifwhat_to_draw== "flower/n":

elif(): requires a condition of some sort otherwise use else:

Let's try a different approach. Instead of mixing console window input with turtle graphics, let's try to do everything from within turtle using the textinput() function that's new with Python 3 turtle:

from turtle import Turtle, Screen

    title = "Make a sketch."whileTrue:
        to_draw = screen.textinput(title, "What do you want to see?")

        if to_draw isNone:  # user hit Cancel so quitbreak

        to_draw = to_draw.strip().lower()  # clean up inputif to_draw == "flower":
            tortoise.forward(90)  # draw a flower herebreakelif to_draw == "frog":
            tortoise.backward(90)  # draw a frog herebreakelse:
            title = to_draw.capitalize() + " isn't in the code."

tortoise = Turtle()

screen = Screen()



Solution 2:

Your indentations are wrong, so most of the statements are outside the function body of what_to_draw(). You don't actually call the function, so it won't do anything. Also, don't use the what_to_draw as a function name and a variable name. There shouldn't be () after elif: Instead of print() and stdin, use input() . You don't get the \n that way as well.

Try this and let me know:

import sys
import turtle
    draw_this = input("What to do you want to see a sketch of that may or may not be colored?")
    if draw_this == "flower":
        print ("What you typed isn't in the code. Try putting a letter or letters to lowercase or uppercase. If that doesn't work, what you typed has not been set to make something happen")


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