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Psycopg2 Executemany With Simple List?

I'm trying to use psycopg2 executemany for a simple multi-insert but I can only make it work using dict and not 'plain' sequence of values: # given: values = [1, 2, 3] ; cursor = c

Solution 1:

executemany expects a sequence of sequences, eg. a list of lists:

[[v] for v in values]

Solution 2:

executemany() takes a list of parameters and each single parameter should be an object that works with execute(), i.e., a tuple or a dict, but not a simple value like a number or string. That's why the second version is OK: you're generating multiple dicts. You can also just write:

values = [(1,), (2,), (3,)]

where each element of the list is a tuple.

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